Circular Ecosystem

Our P2E model places great weight on sustainability through circulation.

We create a reinvestment system that provides better value while providing steady returns to players, constantly burning tokens, and distributing the profits from the game to players and RETA holders to drive a long-term shared growth.

Reinvestment-Circulation Principle

Today, as the P2E model has received public attention, it has led to high advertising costs and fierce competition. So, a significant number of P2E games have opted to either allow “no capital” play to attract users in this competition, or to obtain tokens on a fixed basis without investing much effort. However, such P2E method is prone to inflation because the acquired tokens are not circulated in the game and are immediately circulated to the market. It is difficult to prevent inflation once it has occurred, even if great efforts are made in a hurry to prevent inflation. Especially for P2E games targeting global players, it is near impossible. This is because there is too much variation in the level at which players are satisfied with their country's economic situation and rewards. Thus, the token structure that anyone can easily obtain tokens in a fixed rate will inevitably lead to inflation.

So we envisioned a P2E model in which all returns are proportional to the investment. This does not mean a large amount of capital, but a system that can obtain a commensurate reward when it is continuously reinvested, even if it is a profit obtained with a minimum investment in order to obtain a greater return. And we established two principles to implement this system.

Cannot play Reta Wars free.

This means that minimal investment is required to earn P2E returns. Although not all P2E games are investment products, all concepts of ‘return’ as we know are maintained when accompanied by ‘investment’. Not only coins, but also any kind of profit cannot be generated without such condition. Therefore, you must have at least 1 NFT to play games in Reta Wars and the upcoming expansion of Retaverse.

We will create a reward system where the reward is getting bigger with more investment and efforts.

Greater rewards should be given only when some or all of the profits earned by playing the game are reinvested to achieve greater growth in the game. For example, an NFT hero will always only generate resources equal to its ability. Some people will immediately realize the GRT revenue earned here, while others will use it to level up their heroes again and equip them with weapons to make them stronger. Heroes that become stronger that way will generate greater resources. Also, the rewards through the ranking system will be enormous that everyone will be surprised, but at the same time it requires a level of efforts that everyone will agree. We will circulate the economic system in the game by allowing all players to obtain a reasonable return within the scope of their investment and continue reinvesting for a greater return.

Natural Burning

In the P2E game ecosystem, the incineration system is as important as circulation through reinvestment. The absence of such a system means that the goods circulated within the game will continue to increase through accumulation. In other words, in order to prevent inflation, an incineration system must be in place. However, incineration in P2E games requires a different approach from incineration in the existing coin market. This is because not only tokens, but various values that have the potential to be exchanged for tokens through play are intertwined like gears, and the connection of all these values must be considered.

The Reta Team has installed devices throughout the game so that the incineration of game goods can occur naturally through play and maintain a circular ecosystem.

  1. An essential action to get higher returns in the game is to level up your hero. At this time, the GRT used as the material and the hero of the same rank will be incinerated. Naturally, the player will incinerate the consumed goods, while at the same time, the hero who becomes stronger through leveling up will get better rewards. This is also in line with the holder's benefit, which is one of the purposes of incineration.

  2. The amount of ore, lumber, and food that all players have contributed to the country will be burned as soon as the Reta War results for that day are announced. This helps keep the price of other NFT assets that need ore, timber and food from falling

Profit Redistribution

In order to make the aforementioned reward and incineration system more robust, it needs to be sustainable. To this end, we need to have a way to keep paying P2E rewards to players.

However, if this reward is a token that continues to be supplied without capital, its value will quickly decline. In fact, many P2E games are suffering from severe inflation after paying rewards in this way.

In Reta Wars, the Reta Team adheres to this reinvestment principle just as the reinvestment by players leads to better P2E returns. We redistribute the revenue generated by the game to P2E players and RETA holders.

  1. 50% of the RETA the player paid when purchasing random NFTs from the Store is deposited into the Reward Pool and used as a P2E reward.

  2. A 10% fee is charged for RETA that players use to trade NFTs on the Marketplace, and 50% of this fee is also deposited in the Reward Pool to be used as a P2E reward.

  3. A 5% RETA fee will be charged when outstanding players earn special ranking rewards. This is not held by the company but is distributed to those who stake RETA by depositing the full amount in the Dividend Pool.

  4. A 5% fee is charged each time a resource is harvested from a production facility in the territory. Half of this fee goes to the holder of the NFT island, and the remaining half is distributed to the person who staked RETA.

Circular Ecosystem

In this way, we designed the best P2E ecosystem to be maintained by creating a reward system that increases as the effort of the player increases, an incineration system that is natural to the in-game economy, and at the same time redistributes the team's revenue. This means that the Reta Team accurately understands the problems of the P2E game market and presents an alternative that is difficult for others to easily follow at this point. Our goal is to remain one of the most successful examples of P2E games going forward, and Reta Wars is just the beginning of this ecosystem.

Last updated