Strategic element

Gaia and Nate are fighting over Reta's legacy, Retarion. The fight between the two gods has expanded to the human world, and a fierce war continues to this day.


This is not simply a war of comparing the size of resources. Strategic resources and voting will create many anomalous situations in warfare. Players should discuss their strategy in the community.

Strategic resource

Unlike natural resources such as wood and food, morale and military secrets are important resources in war strategy.

These are strategic resources that can be produced in the barracks and secret bases of the territory, and they determine the buffs and debuffs in battle.

Voting system

This voting right is granted to all players who have more than a certain amount of NFT; players are allocated voting rights based on their contribution to the war each day and can exercise their rights in the next war.

These votes will determine the primary strategy of the war, so players will need to share their opinions in the community to get better returns.

Vote for battle strategy

Before the war starts, players must vote to decide where to place their most powerful units in battle and which formation to choose. These tactical elements can also turn the tide of war. Additionally, a future update will add votes on the adoption of siege weapons such as catapults.

Conquest vote

Players can vote on which lands to conquer on the battlefield.

Last updated