
A battlefield, a map with 100 cells, reflects the outcome of each day's battles.


Battlefield is a map where two factions compete for vested interests. In the daily battle, the winning faction can conquer 2 squares of land, and the defeated faction can conquer only 1 square of land. these lands offer players a variety of revenue opportunities, but the places to conquer are determined only by players' votes.

Strategic point

Players must expand their faction's lands and secure strategic strongholds. This is because it is directly related to the player's revenue. Every land has a special buff, and the benefit will be applied to all players of the faction that have taken the land.

Conquest vote

Land conquest is decided only by voting. Players can exercise their assigned voting rights to vote for any land they want. In the process, disagreements may arise between players belonging to the same faction. Build communities and gather opinions among faction members. To occupy vast lands and gain overwhelming wealth, the player must convince members of his own faction.


Players should value strategic discussion. This is because the process of acquiring or losing land is subject to strict rules. This rule is similar to ‘Othello’ or ‘Go.’ The faction can gain multiple squares at once through strategic decisions and voting.

  • If both factions voted for the same place, the winning power would have it.

  • A faction that succeeds in encircling enemy-conquered or neutral lands may acquire multiple lands at once.

  • Whatever land a faction conquers must be directly or diagonally connected to their base. The disconnected land is changed to neutral lands.

  • The conquest of the 'Water' tile is temporary. From the moment who conquer it, it will change to neutral lands after a countdown of 10 days.

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